Zahrani Noor Hafizah, 9B, Anagkatan 2023 / 2024




Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb..

Hi everyone this is Jaemin's gf ugh- i mean this is
Zahrani Noor Hafizah from 9B Angkatan 2023/2024, panggil aja Ara ya hehe. Aku sekolah di SMP Negeri 1 Gabuswetan, sekarang aku duduk di bangku kelas 9. I’m the second child of two siblings alias anak bungsu. I was born in Indramayu, February 20th 2009 sekarang aku 14 tahun otw 15. Now, i live in Blok Rong,  Desa Sekarmulya, Kecamatan Gabuswetan, Indramayu. Hobi aku nyanyi, listening music (fav songnya Like We Just Met by NCT Dream), reading book/AU, and watching NCT's MV, beside that i interested to writing. My fav lesson is English, aku pernah ikut lomba Story Telling Alhamdulillah menang. Then, my fav colours are sky blue, black, green and gray. Aku suka chicken, mie and some Chinese/korean food, ofc minumnya sama air mineral dingin. Mamah aku namanya Khomsatun seorang ibu rumah tangga, bapak aku namaya Ahmad Afandi is a civil servant and my big sis namaya Retno Ayunda Dewi masih kuliah. My ambition alias cita - citaku is to be a Doctor, kalo ngga ya minimal jadi pacarnya Jaemin, Mark, Haechan or Jeno aja boleh kali ya atau ga study date sama Jeno lah. Di sekolah, aku ikut Organisasi OSIS dan GDNS. Then, ekskul aku BSN ga heran ya kalo hobinya nyanyi hehe. Maybe that's all from me, see u!!

Contact me on :

Instagram : @arfz_naddct_t

Quotes : “The possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen” - Mark Lee

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb..

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