Cica Ayuni,9F, Angkatan 2023 / 2024




HELLO!MY name is cica i made this article as a memory so you can see me wkwk

I come from indramayu,born in 2009,month 03,day 10 don’t forget to pray

My impression of SMPN 1 GABUSWETAN is that i am happy and proud of SMPN 1 GABUSWETAN because i was able to enter one of the best schools in indramayu,apart from the good facilities,and the teachers are no less friendly and kind,i like this school because of the students,taught in discipline and order and the invoronment is quite comfortable and clean.


Oh yes,if you ask me now”what are your dreams?”i will definitely answer,my dream is to become a successful person who can make my parents proud and can be useful to people out there in the future.amen yraa...

Cita citaku waktu kecil adalah menjadi seorang tentara tapi mental dan badan tidak mendukung jadi sekarang cita cita ku ingin menjadi dokter urusan terwujud atau nggaknya itu belakangan yang terpenting saya sudah berusaha menjadi yang terbaik

Saya juga ingin lanjut ke SMKN 1 GABUSWETAN nanti kalian juga harus lanjut ke situ ya hehehe


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